Have you noticed your car not handling like it used to? Maybe it’s not maintaining a firm grip on the road or not taking corners as smoothly as it used to. Believe it or not, your tires could be the culprit.
Here, we’ll help you tell whether your tires are good to go for a bit more or if they need to get replaced by experts in import auto repair in Davie, FL.
If your car struggles to maintain traction on the road, exhibits less agility when you take corners, or makes road noise or vibrations at high speeds, your tires are likely wearing down and need replacement.
Take a closer look at your tires. Do you notice any visible signs of wear such as cracks, cuts, bulges, or blisters on the sidewall?
Check the depth of the tread using a tread depth gauge or a penny. You should consider replacing your tires if the tread depth measures less than 2/32 of an inch or if you can see the top of Lincoln’s head with the penny test.
Examine the tread for uneven wear patterns, as they could indicate issues such as improper inflation or misalignment. Look for noticeable differences in tread wear across the surface of the tire.
Even if your tires have sufficient tread depth, they still need replacement due to aging. You can identify the age of your tires by locating the DOT code on the sidewall, which includes the week and year of manufacture.
Generally, you should replace your tires every 6 years regardless of tread depth to ensure safety on the road.
Contact us today for all your car maintenance and repair needs. Let us keep you safe on the road!